We need more public art installations to be integrated with solar power
In Zadar a Croatian architect Nikola Bašić created the intriguing ‘greeting to the sun’ monument (Croatian: Pozdrav suncu). It is a flat, ground level piece made up of three hundred, multi-layered glass plates embedded in the waterfront walkway. The monument is a 22-meter diameter circle with photovoltaic solar modules underneath. The lights turn on at night to produce an array of colors and movement.
On one hand, this is simply a colorful light show that attracts tourists and locals alike to its nightly show.
On the other hand, this is an important and engaging display of solar power and its potential to support our communities, our cities, and our lives.
We need to celebrate this fusion of sustainable energy with creative expression because it makes us think and inspires innovation.
Check out Landartgenerator, they are a group seeking to 'bring together the disciplines of public art, urban planning, creative placemaking, renewable energy, and environmental justice'. See their website for more information: https://landartgenerator.org/
Where will the next major solar powered public art installation be located?