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Regulation of AgriTech supply chain algorithms

Updated: Dec 15, 2023


Agricultural Technology (AgriTech) is at the forefront of innovation, exploring the integration of blockchain technology to support sustainable agriculture supply chains. This transformative area, however, extends beyond technological advancements, necessitating a holistic approach that encompasses regulators, algorithms, and their roles within regulatory agencies. Companies are actively investigating existing research to grapple with the challenges associated with deploying machine-learning algorithms within the intricate regulatory framework of sustainable agriculture supply chains.

Regulation through algorithms

The dynamic shift towards algorithmic tools regulating non-algorithmic entities, including products and behaviors, introduces challenges related to accountability, human decision-making authority, and potential biases accompanying automation. Proposing a solution involves a hybrid regulatory approach, enabling professionals to leverage algorithms while maintaining the capacity to integrate their expert insights.

Preserving the discretion for human decision-makers

As machine-learning algorithms become integral to regulatory settings, heightened expectations surround their information processing capabilities. However, challenges emerge in safeguarding the discretion of human decision-makers due to the inherent opacity of algorithms. A suggested solution advocates for a hybrid approach, allowing professionals to harness algorithms while integrating their expert insights.

Overcoming the automation bias in algorithms

Despite granting decision-making authority to humans, a persistent challenge is 'automation bias.' Over time, decision-makers may unquestioningly accept information generated by algorithms. A prudent approach involves emphasizing collaborative decision-making and avoiding undue reliance on algorithms.

Enabling cross-organizational collaboration

Essential for managing risks associated with integrating algorithms into regulatory practices is collaboration between technological experts and regulatory professionals. While not a 'natural fit,' fostering relationships between these domains is crucial for the effective functioning of regulatory practices.

Finding good data while acknowledging limitations

The core of algorithmic training lies in data. Acquiring substantial, high-quality data while respecting privacy regulations poses a challenge. Striking a balance between data protection norms and effective data utilization for machine learning is paramount.

Regulation of algorithms

Regulating algorithms demands a collaborative approach that respects established (human) regulatory knowledge. Some propose using algorithmic instruments to regulate other algorithmic entities, necessitating transparent oversight mechanisms for opaque algorithms. Collaborative regulatory practices between human regulators and algorithmic regulation are crucial.


In conclusion, the assimilation of blockchain technology into sustainable agriculture supply chains offers far-reaching implications. The key is finding the balance between transparency, collaboration, and the integration of algorithmic and human decision-making within regulatory frameworks.



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