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2 days ago3 min read
Governments need to be more ambitious with the use of unstructured data for AI
Governments generate vast amounts of unstructured data from sources such as public feedback, reports, images, and videos.

Mar 23 min read
Basic data cleansing to enable AI
Basic data cleansing to enable AI. Discussion o the basics of data cleansing, including handling missing values, removing errors

Feb 275 min read
Developing an AI playbook for Government
Developing an AI playbook for Government

Feb 234 min read
Using Digital Public Infrastructure to accelerate digital transformation
Digital Public Infrastructure provides a way for nations to accelerate the digital transformation of its Government and economy

Feb 223 min read
Transforming Public procurement
Public procurement is an area of government that is a priority for transformation and digitisation due to the wide impact it has on wider go

Feb 214 min read
The Digital Government strategy in Norway
The digital strategy in Norway provides insights for other nations wanting to transform their Government. Key lessons include the focus on

Feb 183 min read
A Digital Blueprint for Funding, Governance, and Assurance
A digital blueprint for funding (investment), governance and assurance that can be adapted by other jurisdictions

Feb 163 min read
AI transformation - key things for nations to consider
Government leadership, cultural shifts, and public engagement will play a critical role in shaping AI adoption. This report outlines the key

Feb 84 min read
The new UK blueprint for digital government - lessons for other nations
The new UK blueprint for digital government offers a number of helpful takeaways for other nations considering their own digital strategy.

Jan 203 min read
Securing Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)
How can digital public infrastructure be secured - a framework to foster inclusive and secure digital transformation

Dec 20, 20244 min read
What is 'digital era' lean government?
Digital-era governance and Lean government represent two interconnected approaches to transforming public sector efficiency

Dec 15, 20244 min read
What are AI agents and how can they help government?
How can AI help governments to maximise the value of Artificial Intelligence?

Nov 27, 20244 min read
How to become a 'data driven' Government
Why becoming a 'data driven' government should be a priority
A data-driven government uses data to optimise public services.

Nov 11, 20244 min read
Improving Government efficiency
How do Governments improve the efficiency in public service delivery, balancing cost-effectiveness with high-quality outcomes?

Nov 10, 20244 min read
Creating an organisational AI policy
Creating an AI policy that promotes responsible and ethical use within your organisation requires a clear understanding of key AI concepts.

Oct 28, 20244 min read
What are the key AI skills?
What are the key AI skills that individuals and organisations should learn and develop?

Oct 27, 20244 min read
How can organisations build skills for the digital age?
How to build the digital workforce of tomorrow using the SFIA framework

Oct 20, 20245 min read
How to break silos across government
Why is cross agency alignment so important for governments and what are the barriers to achieving it? What can governments do to integrate?

Sep 26, 20245 min read
Does AI increase productivity?
Artificial intelligence (AI) could rapidly change how governments operate, providing new ways to improve efficiency and boost productivity.

Sep 22, 20244 min read
Prompt engineering - top tips
What is prompt engineering and how to use it to maximise the value of generative AI tools
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